
 2月20日(日) 午前11時より、三郷市国際交流協会の運営する国際交流農園にて、去年の2月に始めて行われ今年で第2回目となる、鍋パーティーが開催されました。
The NABE(means a Japanese Pot) party held at the Misato International Association(MIA) Farm on Sunday the 20th February.


交流部会 阿部 俊

This party started since February 2010. About 70 adults and kidz gathered at the site, started from a bonfire then made a Nepal style Milk-tea and a Japanese Ama-Zake(sweet non-alcoholic sake) to warm us up a little. Mr Fan (from South Korea) made a Huge Korean style NABE for us and it was very yummy and tasty as well as hot and spicy! Mr Yano (MIA chairman) made us a Yamata (northern part of Japan) style NABE with A MOCHI (sticky Japanese rice cake). All people Nepali, Bangladeshi, Chinese, South Korean, Sudanese and Japanese were really enjoyed and got full stomach. In addition, we got new young faces at this party which means we are getting to have the future runners!! Lucky! it started rain just after we finished everything!!

Committee Member: Shun Abe

